How to play DAVE or Any Other DOS Game in Windows ?

How to play DAVE or Any Other DOS Game in Windows ?

If you are a Windows 7 or Windows 8 64 bit version user you wont be able to play or run Good Old Games Like Dave that you enjoyed playing when you where a Kid.This Tutorial will teach you how to run Dave ,one of best classic Dos game in 64 bit windows .
To play Dangerous Dave :-
 1.  Download DOSBOX from thislink and now install Dosbox .
 2.  Now Download from here .
 3.  Open DOSBOX, a console window will open up. Type in the following commands  and hit       enter after each command and so on . 
               mount c d:\
             cd dave

    ** Here "c" refers to a virtual drive you can specify any alphabet you like.    ** "d:\ " Refers to the drive which contains the dave game folder e:d:\dave    ** "cd dave " command is used to change the active directory to the folder named                           dave(folder that contains the game) which contains dave.exe and other files  if  you          changed the original name of this folder use that name instead of 'dave' in this                           command .   **'dave' refers to launching the Executable file(.exe) 'dave.exe' 
                                                              You are done . Enjoy Playing !!!
